Thursday, February 21, 2008

brush strokes

I'm painting today. First time in a long time. Have not felt settled enough paint in years, not sure why. Realized that my brush strokes came back very quickly. I am more of a sketch artist than painter. I was struggling with the easel, so I picked up the painting and used my brush as a pencil. Less risk of drips as well. Little aspects of how to use a brush came back to me. How to nudge up to a line; how to sweep an area and twisting the bristles to keep the flow of paint smooth; An artful dab of the corner of the brush. All this takes confidence and ease. I could feel myself becoming more grounded and present.

Am I doing damage to my brush? How I recklessly manipulate the bristles, like stroking the hair of cat the wrong way. A brush is nothing but a means to an end.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

In search of originality

I feel recycled. Like every atom has been hand-me-downs from distant stars to ancient predecessors. As are my thoughts and ideas, merely echoes of past intelligence. Like the monks of the middle ages, my errors are my main contribution to the body of human knowledge. The internet has made us all "told-you-so" and "saw-that-somewhere" cynics.

But this can be overcome I believe (or hope). I will endeavor to come up with a single new thought, original observation or truly unique idea every day. I leave it to the throng to prove me wrong.